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random question of the day

In an email I received earlier today, deviled eggs were mentioned in a positive way, as if they soothed an otherwise negative prospect, which gave me pause, and finally led me to ask the following:

Very important question, obviously, especially considering the fact that it’s summer, which is a season of cookouts and picnics and family reunions, and deviled eggs often feature at these events. I’m not going to say how I feel about deviled eggs, at least not at present, because I don’t want to say anything that might sway the results (I am obviously a person with such great influence) and this poll is nothing if not entirely scientific.

8 responses to “random question of the day”

  1. Of course, it really depends on what you add to your deviled egg filling. A simple mustard/mayo/yolk mixture topped with paprika is always acceptable at a potluck supper, or a summer picnic. However, a bit of chopped onion and a dash of cayenne adds a entirely new dimension, a bit more deviltry perhaps, to the dish. How about a dash of Tapatio sauce and a pinch of cumin? The possiblities are nearly endless.

  2. The only way deviled eggs should ever be served is with a tennis racquet, directly into a garbage dump.

    *throw up in my mouth*

  3. If you’re talking about eggs taken from free range chickens, then by all means. If you’re talking about eggs forced from tortured chickens then I say screw that sh*t.

  4. To elaborate on my “Meh”…

    One is more than enough – and even then the circumstances have to be ideal. Sorta like a Halley’s Comet thing. Also, if the weather is hot and the deviled egg thingy doesn’t reach my mouth via a direct pipeline from the cool, germ-retarding fridge it’s certainly not getting past the iron clasp of my unwilling lips.

  5. I like eggs. I like hard-boiled eggs. I like egg salad. I like deviled eggs if they’re seriously fucking deviled. I like demonic, satanic eggs made with cayenne or powdered jalapeno.

  6. They’re ‘deviled’ because they look, taste, and smell like evil.

  7. Okay, so out of 22 votes, 10 people like deviled eggs, 7 people don’t, and then there are 5 who picked Other and there’s a blank included with the poll for people to state what their “other” answers are, but I have no idea where those answers went.

    Either way, I hate deviled eggs. It says “vile” right there in the middle of the name.

  8. I recently had deviled eggs with dill instead of paprika on top… amazing! I already liked deviled eggs, but dill was a surprising improvement! Count me among the deviled egg enthusiasts.

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